Children’s Ministry
The Children’s Ministry at Kilmarnock United Methodist Church strives to instill Christian values in the next generation of believers. We believe that Jesus is an essential part of our lives and hope that our children will come to learn and follow in the Savior’s footsteps. The Children’s Ministry reaches children of all ages. It encompasses Sunday School at 9:30AM, Vacation Bible School in the summer, and special events throughout the year. Our children are always encouraged to attend and play an active role in the worship at Kilmarnock UMC.
Sunday School
Sunday School begins at 9:30am. Kids will learn a story from the Bible and will usually make an accompanying craft. Around 10:30am, we’ll switch gears to music and a snack. We join the church congregation in the Sanctuary for the 11am service and enjoy Children’s Time with one of our church leaders. After Children’s Time, we head back to the Nursery to play games, sing, dance, and enjoy other fun activities.
Programs & Events
KUMC hosts lots of fantastic programs and events throughout the year for the whole family! Kids enjoy Valentine’s Day crafts, Easter party and egg hunt, Mother’s Day Tea Party, Vacation Bible School, movie nights, craft events, Christmas gift shopping and wrapping, our annual Christmas Pageant, and more! Join our KUMC Families Facebook Group to stay current on programs and events!
Vacation Bible School
Hooray for VBS! Vacation Bible School is a fun-filled week of evening activity and is designed for ages 4-12 (Pre-K - 6th Grade). At VBS, we learn Bible Stories, music, make fun crafts, enjoy games and activities, and more. Dinner is served before VBS kicks off.
Get involved with our Children’s Ministry Programs!
Contact Whitney Lang for more information.
Links to Similar Programs:
KUMC Families • Sunday School • Education • Choir & Music • Women’s Circle • United Methodist Men • Outreach Committee • Prayer Group